среда, 16 сентября 2015 г.

More stripes!!

I am taking part in Diva's weekly challenge. My second ZIA is here. A lot of stripes in the hair)))
And this is the first face in the challenge - 29 Faces.

There are also a lot of stripes in my new ATCs -

четверг, 10 сентября 2015 г.

суббота, 5 сентября 2015 г.

Some pages in my notebook.

It is a notebook I use at work. Some pages separate some different parts.
The first - with a cat (I didn't paint it. It is from a magazine).
I am taking part in Diva's weekly challenge. i have learnt Zenith and used it in the frame.

And now two more pages with my ZIAs.

вторник, 18 августа 2015 г.

Diva's Challenge and my sketchbook

Here is my response to the new Diva's Challenge. Not very often S-lines in my pictures... I am going to use them more often!

It is a page from my sketchbook. 
And there are two more pages from it. I used some scrapbook paper there.

вторник, 4 августа 2015 г.

Diva's Challenge and my ATC.

I am taking part in Diva's Weekly Challenge - Weekly Challenge #229 Guest Blogger Sandy Hunter. It wasn't easy to have a clean white heart))

And here is also my ATC. Not very hot summer in St Petersburg now but in my card it is hot and bright.

вторник, 28 июля 2015 г.

Zentangle and Mailart

This envelope will be posted soon. I am going to send it to the USA. On the envie there will be some stamps and the address (on the big flower).
I am taking part in Diva's Weekly Challenge. I used organic tangle patterns.  It is the task of this week.

The back side -

One more mailart (partly a collage) - 

понедельник, 29 июня 2015 г.

вторник, 9 июня 2015 г.

Beads of Courage and a bird ZIA

I'm taking part in Diva's weekly challenge.
Beads of courage - a program for ill kids. Read about them in Diva's blog. I wish them to see more bright colors - like in my picture.

And here is my new bird ZIA. I will try to make one each week.